Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sgt. Kiernan's House Is Ready For Construction!!

Sgt. Kiernan's house is cleared and ready for some construction to begin!

Atlantic Builders would like to thank and recognize those that have

already contributed services and/or materials up to this point.

Mitchell's Septic Service - clearing, excavating and grading

Sullivan, Donahoe, and Ingalls - site engineering

White Oak Equipment - equipment

James River Equipment - equipment

Sisson Company - containers

Hirschler Fleischer - legal

Timm Engineering - architecture

Stafford County - permitting and inspections

Dominion Soil Services - soil services and inspections

NoVA Blue - printing

Luckstone - stone

VAMAC - septic equipment

We will continue to recognize the donors to this project as the work

progresses. It's a long list! Apologies if there are those we've

inadvertently left off. If we did, please let us know and we'll fix it!

Tom Schoedel


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Atlantic Builders Joins Forces With Homes For Our Troops

We have decided to join forces with Homes For Our Troops, a great organization that builds homes for our severely injured veterans at no cost. (www.homesforourtroops.com).

We are building a home for Sgt. Steven Kiernan of the United States Marine Corp who lost both his legs while serving in Irag in May 2008.

We are so happy to be able to do something for a brave member of our military.

Follow the progress on Sgt. Kiernan's house both here on our blog and on our Facebook fan page.

Click on the following link for more on Sgt. Kiernan: http://www.homesforourtroops.org/site/PageServer?pagename=StevenKiernan