Sgt. Kiernan's house is cleared and ready for some construction to begin!
Atlantic Builders would like to thank and recognize those that have
already contributed services and/or materials up to this point.
Mitchell's Septic Service - clearing, excavating and grading
Sullivan, Donahoe, and Ingalls - site engineering
White Oak Equipment - equipment
James River Equipment - equipment
Sisson Company - containers
Hirschler Fleischer - legal
Timm Engineering - architecture
Stafford County - permitting and inspections
Dominion Soil Services - soil services and inspections
NoVA Blue - printing
Luckstone - stone
VAMAC - septic equipment
We will continue to recognize the donors to this project as the work
progresses. It's a long list! Apologies if there are those we've
inadvertently left off. If we did, please let us know and we'll fix it!
Tom Schoedel